Hotdog Chili Recipe for Summer Days

The weather was so beautiful this weekend! When we have weather like this, we are always outside playing with the kids and taking advantage of the warmer weather. We also love to grill. This weekend, we grilled hotdogs and made homemade hotdog chili. It is basically a chili recipe without beans and it’s so good!  […]

Decluttering for Lent

In our home, we celebrate the Lent Season before Easter. I was raised celebrating Lent and have carried on the wonderful tradition with my children. As a family, we always choose one thing to give up and one thing to add to our daily routine. We usually choose extra prayers and extra chores we can […]

Cleaning Therapy

Can cleaning be a form of therapy? Crazy question right? I know that when you have so much to do, and you come home after a busy day at the office, the last thing you want to do is clean. It feels like it’s just something to add to the list of things needing to […]

Are you getting enough sleep?

One of our priorities as parents is to make sure our children are getting enough sleep. Trying to keep a decent bed time for them each night nights is a MUST. As parents, we see the importance of sleep for our children. Why are we not trying to keep those “rules” for ourselves? We know […]

How to Meal Prep

If you are like me, you might have made a resolution for weight loss at the beginning of the year. We all like to start things fresh and call it a new beginning. I think it helps hold us more accountable than starting in the middle of a week or month. Sometimes, my family eat […]

Mom Guilt

Mom guilt is the worst. If you are a working mom like me, I’m sure you have felt this once or twice…or a million times. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard from my kids, “Well Bobby Sue’s mom gets to come and read to the class, or Jake’s mom gets to […]

Seasonal Affective Disorder

“Seasonal Affective Disorder”. Yikes! That sounds a little harsh. The word Disorder is intimidating to me. Most of us would know it as the “Winter time Blues”. Did you know that more than 3 Million cases of this type of depression are treated each year? 3 Million!? That means two things. 1: YOU ARE NOT […]

Age Appropriate Chores For Your Kiddos

It’s a little too soon for me to chime in on parenting advice since my little one is only 2 years old. Most days I have no clue what I’m doing and am basically winging it the best way I know how. BUT, I do know a thing or two about chores and training up […]

How To Be a “Good” Business – From an Organizer in Birmingham, AL

Owning a business – it can be tricky and a little frustrating at times, but when you do it with love, only some (cue the tax portion) of it really feels like “work”. As a little caveat to my normal talk of organizing, I feel that it’s also REALLY important to talk about how to […]

Function Over Fashion

Let’s be completely authentic for just a second and talk about real life stuff – function over fashion. Here’s a story that will probably sound a lot like one of your own and the remedy that we’ve all been looking for. A good friend of mine recently shared a light-hearted drama about his family’s notorious […]

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OWL is closed on Sunday.