Make Spring Cleaning Fun for Kids

For my kiddos, cleaning and fun donโ€™t really go together. Sometimes it feels like they would rather cut off their arm than clean. Anything that takes them away from their fun activities, cartoons, or playing outside is a HARD pass. Having 3 teenagers with chores of their own, adding to that list can be a […]

Hotdog Chili Recipe for Summer Days

The weather was so beautiful this weekend! When we have weather like this, we are always outside playing with the kids and taking advantage of the warmer weather. We also love to grill. This weekend, we grilled hotdogs and made homemade hotdog chili. It is basically a chili recipe without beans and itโ€™s so good!ย  […]

Decluttering for Lent

In our home, we celebrate the Lent Season before Easter. I was raised celebrating Lent and have carried on the wonderful tradition with my children. As a family, we always choose one thing to give up and one thing to add to our daily routine. We usually choose extra prayers and extra chores we can […]

Cleaning Therapy

Can cleaning be a form of therapy? Crazy question right? I know that when you have so much to do, and you come home after a busy day at the office, the last thing you want to do is clean. It feels like itโ€™s just something to add to the list of things needing to […]

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Hours of Operation: MON-SAT 9:00am-6:00pm
OWL is closed on Sunday.